Weathering our Storms Together

Weathering our Storms Together

Monday, August 10, 2009

Random Weekend Stuff with my Lovely Family

I love the everyone else. This weekend was a little hectic as I ended up in Bowling Green on Saturday to do errands. I usually do not submit myself to this chaos and torture, but since Dear Daughter's 4-H projects for the State Fair were due on Monday I had to get some supplies and couldn't fathom going BACK to town on Monday to do the normal stuff. However, I do have a few pics from the down time this weekend.....

Here is a picture of a sign on my piano...I look at if often. Beside it is Dear Daughter's Fave apple pie candle...

Sweet Son got a new chest of drawers on Friday and the book shelf was moved to Dear Daughter's Room, where she promptly made a bed for Chester (who was immensely enjoying himself). Chester didn't like the fact that he was later replaced with pretty baskets and art supplies.

One of the first errands Saturday was Sweet Son's haircut. Most often he gets them at home, but when time is tight we go for Paul's Barber Shop. Sweet Son informed me that he and Handsome Hubby don't think Walmart is a viable solution to guys haircut issues (my choice when he does have to have a prof. cut since it's where I have to be anyway)....Barber shops are more masculine. Soooo....

Sunday during church Julia broke out in HIVES....yipes. I took her home (after only about 15 minutes worth of a sermon I badly needed) where, she promptly fell asleep after a dose of Benadryl. We missed my Grandaddy's 80th Birthday Party. :-(

But she had a fun, somewhat groggy, afternoon playing with her kittens.

Back of Dear Daughter's sweet little head, still adorned with Sunday Morning's polka dot hairbow. I treasure these years...don't know how many hairbow years I have left. :-(

Sweet Son and ever so Handsome Hubby, engrossed in Chess Master. Handsome Hubby is snacking on Goldfish and Sweet tea.

and my FAVORITE, most LUXURIOUS, absolutely FANTASTIC part of my weekend was a long foot massage with my favorite Victoria's Secret lotion, given lovingly by HANDSOME HUBBY. ooohhh la la. Pic is of my happy toes after Handsome Hubby worked his magic....

Random and somewhat Mundane, but moments I like and treasure none the less. I love my family!!! So VERY MUCH!!


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I'm a daughter of the King, the wife of a wonderful man, the mother to two caring, earthly children and two heavenly babes...
