Weathering our Storms Together

Weathering our Storms Together

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Always a Rainbow....

I'm sure you've heard that age old cliche, "There's always a rainbow after the storm". But is there REALLY? (not literally, but in life) I think there probably is, if not an outright rainbow, then certainly some rays of sunshine....

There have been some times in my life that I thought I would never see life's sunshine again. After my first midterm miscarriage and second blighted miscarriage, my dear Doc broke the news that he "didn't know for sure that I would ever carry to term." Heart breaking....Heart rending.......
But, ultimately, here I am, "blessed" with two children (here on this Earth).
And as most couples, early in our marriage there were lots of things to face as we adjusted to marriage and each other's families. Again, out of the shadows into the sun.
Although, I am hesitant to go in to detail all of (or even the most significant) valleys I have been through (I'm pretty sure I have some family reading and I 1.) don't want to offend anyone and 2.) would rather keep some details locked in my heart) I am certain that I didn't just "luckily" hit the up after a down. I am certain it's God's Grace.
Someone I once knew gave me a little insight, he said, "We don't get the burdens we "deserve", but the ones we can carry" I think we, as a society, have gotten a little seems that we think, " if you are wealthy, then you are "blessed", if you have certain things you are "blessed", in general, you must be "doing things right, because you have money, big cars/houses, lavish vacations, good health, etc." Some of the most humble, god fearing, praying people I know have serious issues in their lives and aren't wealthy.
There have been times when, as I was travelling, I would think, "If only I had prayed harder, lived closer, been a better friend..." But, regardless of it, I am always back to the same square...depending on God's Grace (and Mercy). And that, my friends, is what I believe, that in my life, the rainbows and sunshine are...the Grace and Mercy of my Heavenly Father...

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About Me

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I'm a daughter of the King, the wife of a wonderful man, the mother to two caring, earthly children and two heavenly babes...
