Weathering our Storms Together

Weathering our Storms Together

Thursday, July 30, 2009


OUR DAY started out pretty much calm, the kids are used to routine...this is our 8th year. Dear Daughter doesn't remember our house without Homeschool. :-) We started on Thursday to give ourselves a little headway to go over the "new stuff" this year and to go on a fun field trip tomorrow......betcha can't guess where we're goin'! I'll post pics tomorrow. The first semester looks full for us as we will be doing 4-H, Red Cross, Tuesday Science Lab Classes with BRHSA, Theatre School Day productions, and Sweet Son will start his online HIGH SCHOOL classes. Yikes! Take a peek below at our "school"....check out the messy, out of order living room that is the "norm" for our days.

This is my cat FISHER on his first day of school. LOL, nothing changes much for this guy.
Sweet Son, working on a new program...Vocabulit....something new to try until his KVHS online classes start August 19.
Dear Daughter, is at work reading "Farmer Boy"...gearing up for a six week book study.
The "FORT KNOX" of our Homeschool, our Library Cabinet, stock full of new curriculum, misc. books, pens, paper, science misc, and other new goodies for this year!

Well, that's about all for today!!!

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I'm a daughter of the King, the wife of a wonderful man, the mother to two caring, earthly children and two heavenly babes...
