Weathering our Storms Together

Weathering our Storms Together

Monday, November 9, 2009


Oh my goodness! We are getting ready to celebrate our 15th Wedding Anniversary....WOW..
Can't believe it's passed this fast! The picture above is of our wedding night....I was 17 (and not even a half) and Handsome Hubby was 19! ****and*** we're still married. :-)
We, like most couples, have had some struggles, but for those of you who read my blog or Face Book page know I'm hopelessly in love with my guy, and that he's a super sweet gentleman...a pick me flowers on the road side guy, a rub my feet with lotion guy, a work two jobs so I don't have to guy, a put up with my animals guy, a grill me Greek chicken guy, a send me roses when I'm blue guy, a never yell at me guy, my husband!
Not even a year after this picture was taken, we lost our first baby in a late term was a struggle and that year and the year following was the hard times in our marriage. That loss and the one after was hard, and we were incredibly young.
Now we are "young" parents of an "almost teenager" and a 10 year old. Living a life of homeschooling/working chaos. Well sorta, we *make* time for each other....we love to hang out together with our kids. We laugh, play scrabble, watch old Andy Griffith reruns, color, throw ball, take walks, bike rides, camp out in the living room floor, etc. etc. It's fun!
Our kids groan now when Handsome hubby smacks my rear. They roll their eyes when we sit on the couch and kiss. But they know we love each other. :-) It's a joke at our house....and we've threatened their lives with certain goings on!
I am *so* happy and blessed to have such a great family....Jarrod is the head of our household and more than willing to be his help meet.

So now that I'm 32 I see a lot of things differently. I wish I hadn't faulted my in-laws on petty issues that don't matter. I wish had been kinder to my folks, strangers, neighbors....
Some things just don't matter. Handsome Hubby, at 34, sees things differently too. However, one thing has remained constant....our love...the only thing that has changed there is the depth!


  1. I love your words...John and I will be married 15 years in April. You all have a great family and I love hearing about it! Love ya and Happy Anniversary!


About Me

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I'm a daughter of the King, the wife of a wonderful man, the mother to two caring, earthly children and two heavenly babes...
