Weathering our Storms Together

Weathering our Storms Together

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Living the Life....
What does living the homeschooling life mean? To me it means the obvious of teaching our children at home. But the decision we made to homeschool 8 years ago came with a host of other life changes, adjustments, sacrafices and blessings that there was no way I could forsee.
My daily life now usually means lots of laughs, a few arguments, lots of cooking and cleaning up, errands, teaching, projects, etc. The thing that is hardest on me is the no time alone. Sometimes I camp out in the bathroom with my laptop or magazine, but there's always the knock on the door, which usually ends in me opening it to have a discussion or look at a math problem from my perch on the toilet. My 12 year old son stands just out of my sight down the hall to have these discussions, my 10 year old daughter makes herself right at home....LOL
There are the days I look longingly at the school bus as it passes wishing for a trip to the mall or even the grocery store alone, but most days I am truly thankful we've been led on this journey.
My kids have become accustomed to tagging along with me to the gynecologist's office, the grocery, the mall, visiting.....most of my running is for them, 4-H, Science classes, library, Red Cross Youth meeting, volunteering, Ham radio meetings. (We aren't the sports oriented family at all). My kiddos enjoy being outside (we don't have a TV). Sweet Son likes to fish and hunt. Dear Daughter loves animals. We learn as much as we can from everyday experiences, but hack away at the books as well. Both of my kiddos love to read as well....
Homeschooling is really about looking outside of yourself all of the's one of the most unselfish things I've ever done, it's also one of the most rewarding......

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I'm a daughter of the King, the wife of a wonderful man, the mother to two caring, earthly children and two heavenly babes...
