It's hard for me to remember how I identified myself before coming a Mom (much less a homeschooling one). Moms kinda loose their identity for a while, I think. I remember when I was in the 3rd grade and I noticed my mom doing stuff.....that SHE liked. I remember being awed, I began to notice things she enjoyed. She painted crafts, took ceramic classes, and went shopping with friends, to name a few things.
Most people identify me (and my family) as a "homeschooler". (thus the name of my blog) It's pretty odd in our small community to homeschool, I don't mind, really, it just seems kinda strange. In my church there's the lady that has a wonderful garden, one that has unique animals, the lady who decorates well, the "quilt lady" and so on. I am "the one who homeschools". LOL
I do wonder what I will do when my days aren't filled with lesson plans, projects, grade averages, read alouds, reports, journal prompts, curriculum choices, logged hours, etc. juggled with errands, laundry, bills, meals, cleaning and other daily duties. My life is one fantastical juggling act.....which is ok, we're the circus type of people. :-)
The first two years, I took great offense at the comments from well meaning aquaintances, friends, family. Pretty much after that I became comfortable with what we were doing and why. I was ALWAYS amused at what people thought were our reasons to homeschool as well as their assumptions about my family.
Well, anyway, I decided to list a few things about me that my jog my memory of what I like. I tend to forget, I usually get the pizza the kids want, listen to the music they like, make meals catered to my clan, run errands associated with whatever activity or club is striking the kid's fancy....even most of the books I read have something to do with them. :-)
Time alone with Handsome Hubby (now there is something that has limited availability!)
Oranges...and orange suckers, orange juice, orange Popsicles, etc.
Daily time for prayer and meditation
Pizza Hut's Veggie Lovers Pizza
Baking and creative cooking
Most animals
Looking at the clouds
Reading a good book with a cup of cinnamon tea
Bubble Baths
Bubble Gum
Old Houses, quilts, old yellow pottery
Hmmmm......random, not in any order and most certainly a partial list.
Grumpy men
TV commercials
oh well....not much food for thought here.....
Well, don't guess I REALLY have an identity crisis. I do LOVE being identified as MOM and most of all WIFE. Handsome Hubby's pet name for me is Peaches.....that's identity enough for me!